Group Blog
Hello, I am excited to introduce Willow Rivera, Jacob Pineiro, and Kai Lobban as my groupmates for an upcoming project we have! The project we have been assigned to tackle as a group is a 30-second commercial that is advertising a product or object of our choice. When working in a group, I find that communication is key so everyone is on the same page and in agreement. To ensure we stayed organized throughout the whole process, my groupmates held a meeting to go over aspects of the project such as different roles we could take and what we wanted to advertise in the video. We decided on doing a commercial for a MacBook and wrote up a small draft of what our commercial could potentially look like. I am excited about this project because my groupmates agreed on giving me a role as an actor, which is gonna be a new experience for me. Although I do not have much experience in acting, I feel like I will be able to improvise and learn more as we shoot throughout the day. Something I was worried about was the overall idea and appeal of our object because I originally felt that it was lackluster and didn't really give us much to work off of. After voicing my concern to my groupmates, they all heard me out and explained their creative ideas that they had already thought of when we chose our object. Their positivity and creativity helped me feel at ease because there were multiple brains attacking this task and making sure it would come out great. Since we only have the basics down so far, I feel like we haven't faced any obstacles as a group or clashed with each other since it is still early in the project. I am happy with everyone's mutual respect for each other along with their work ethic because we were able to agree and work on things quickly. The division of work was established at the beginning as well, so we all know where to contribute individually and as a team. We want to work on our storyboard and script more in-depth the next time we meet up so we can be prepared for the filming process. I hope that we are able to film everything within the time we are given and showcase our time management skills. One person in the group has decided to take on the role of editing, which I commend them for because I am horrible with computer logistics. If I had to do this commercial on my own I would have been overwhelmed because there are many roles that I would not have been able to fill. I am confident that we can complete this assignment with little to no problems if we plan things accordingly and stay on schedule. Mistakes and mishaps are bound to happen, but I believe that my groupmates are responsible and would correct these issues as soon as they happened. I know this commercial will be great because the production team behind it is working diligently to make sure things are being completed in an organized and timely manner!
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