Editing the day away!

          Hello everyone, our class period today was dedicated to finishing our editing! I was very productive last class with the general aspects of the visuals, so I wanted to focus on smaller details today. The song my group ended up picking was passion by pinkpantherss. The song is new and trendy, which was perfect because it fit the vibes of our commercial. I realized as I was adding the song that it was not matching up with the frames, so I had to adjust it accordingly. This was easy to achieve because my groupmates have used iMovie a couple times beforehand already, and knew how to fix it. An important element my group and I went over was picking which Apple logo to feature towards the end. We ended up picking a colorful Apple logo because of its visual appeal and simplicity. Something I left to my teammate was picking a quote to add for the end of the commercial. Quotes are normally displayed during Apple Commercials and are meant to describe their product and its usefulness. My teammate chose the quote "Made for all." because of a MacBook's versatility and ability to help anyone with anything, such as the students featured in our commercial. I was getting excited because the Apple logo and quote completed the video and made it feel like an official apple commercial. The biggest complication I ran into while editing was making sure the commercial stayed under 30 seconds. As I was editing I compiled a lot of footage and I did not realize that it was longer than the requirement. This worried me because I felt that it would take away from the commercial, and it wouldn't be as good since some scenes were cut short. After consulting with everyone, I cut some scenes out and switched things up a bit to make it 30 seconds. The end result was perfect, and my worries felt silly after seeing how much better the shortened version was. iMovie was a relatively easy and straightforward software to use so I had no technical issues during my editing. The editing process was not nearly as challenging as I thought it would be and it was a great learning experience. My group and I have finally finished editing, and are excited to announce that our commercial is officially done!


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