Music Research Blog

Production has begun, and it is safe to say that I am ready to get to work! I found that before we can start filming, it is important to pick and establish which songs we are gonna use for our project. Seeing how our theme is thriller/scary it would make the most sense to find suspenseful and eery soundtracks to place behind our music. I also need to include some upbeat songs because there are still some happy scenes throughout the film. The whole concept is two girls having a great reunion with an unexpected spectator. Most of the film would be upbeat, but the eery and creepy soundtrack would be used when the stalker appears. There will be a lot of dialogue throughout the film so the background music will not be too prominent, but it still needs to be heard. It is important to research ahead of time and read the descriptions before using these soundtracks because many of them are copyrighted. In our case, I was able to find suspenseful background music with no words on youtube. It is better if the music has no words because it will interfere less with the dialogue. The upbeat song and suspenseful music that I want to use for our film were both created by Alex Koff on youtube. He produces music that is not copyrighted which is perfect for what we need. My other groupmates are also researching potential songs for our films. I want to incorporate upbeat music while the main characters are doing exercise or they are not talking much. Dialogue is important and we want to emphasize it with the background music instead of distracting the audience with it. It would have been great to include a popular song with lyrics but that would be difficult due to copyright issues. It is still possible for us to find a popular song and use it in our film, as long as we avoid copyright issues. We all have different creative visions for the music so I am excited to see what everyone comes up with. I am hoping that my songs get picked because they are the best fit for the project. My group is one step closer to the finished product and I am looking forward to everyone's reaction to our final music selection!


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